
Bio! En Español:
Su nombre es Mathieu Amazan, pero en la industria musical se le conoce como
BLACK 45 KING, el artista que a partir del 2008 demostró la fuerza y el potencial
de un producto independiente logrando un éxito hasta entonces sin
precedentes en la historia del género urbano.
Nacido En Hospital General Provincia De Haïti En 1989, BLACK 45 KING crece en
un ambiente musical provisto por su Amigo, Nipo809, quien entonces
integraba el conocido grupo "Lords Maffia". BLACK 45 KING adopta la
música como su escenario natural, asimilando distintos estilos musicales en
(Dancehall) pero con una visión clara y contundente del proyecto que quiere
Desde pequeño la musica captaba su atencion pero a pesar de que escribia algunos versos, Nunca hizo algun intento, Hasta que el artista dominicano " NIPO809 " Le sirvio de inspiracion al verlo Presentandose en una actividad en la ruta de telemicro canal 5 y recibiendo la atención de el publico. Esta fue la chispa que encendio su deseo por la musica. Continuo escribiendo, Ahora con mas motivacion y les presentaba sus canciones a sus amigos, Los que mostraban interes por su talento. Sus presentaciones empezaron siendo cantando musica de su artista favoritos Daddy Yankee, Pero con el tiempo y practica decidio lanzarse al sentirse preparado. Es aqui cuando decide tocar la puerta del studio de grabacion de (Notable Prod,) para producir su primera cancion llamada ''Bola de grasa Ft. El Alfa El Jefe'' y con ella consiguio dar un paso firme calando en el gusto de el sector.
Al pasar el tiempo apogeo de su primer tema empezo a bajar y entonces decide lanzar su segundo tema ''Tamo en lokera'' Ft. Chimbala, Siendo aqui cuando inicia su sonido a nivel Black 45 King. luego de este hit empezaron a llegar propuestas de diferentes compañias musicales y a pesar de haber trabajado con algunas no consiguio elevar aun mas su carrera. Ya yara 2012/entre 2018 lanza varios temas "La Madan Ft. El Jou-c" "Producido por ch" En viajero music" Igual como otros temas "Ponteme de espalda" "En la calle en para" "Kialaki" "Rap dominic & haiti" "Tamo haciendo dinero" "No bulla No cotorra" "Amor de lejos" "Nome dejes solo" "Pasame la vaina" ''El bacilon'' ''My Baby'' 'Whatsapp'' "Chapa grande Ft. Gdolph" "Ninguna me chapean" y mas''' y sus mas reciente abrumador hit Llamado " Si te vas" Prod. por San2bal.
En momentos en que la industria de la música se está reinventando, Black 45 King continúa su visión vanguardista como hombre de negocios dueño de los derechos de su repertorio y su propio sello discográfico. El enfoque de King ha revolucionado la manera en que la música es comercializada, Promocionada y distribuida, y su modelo de negocio ha servido como modelo para innumerables empresas artísticas que ahora al frente sus de negocios.
A sus logros dentro del mundo de los negocios se suma 'Ayiti Records, Inc. a division of Ayiti Music Group, LLC.'' Su casa editora galardonada en varias ocasiones los Ayiti Music Publishing Group, LLC. Su fragancia para hombres y mujeres, y una compañía de producción musicales , cinematográfica y mas.
Pero la influencia de Black 45 King va más allá de las tendencias creativas y los negocios, también atiende la responsabilidad social a través de apoyo a causas justas como “Black 45 King Foundation”, Que apoya a niños , niñas, hombres, y mujeres, huérfanos en la Republique D'haiti.
Actualmente ''Ayiti Records, Inc. a division of Ayiti Music Group, LLC." esta trabajando el tema "Si te vas" el cual forma parte de su paquete artistico en su mas reciente gira promocional del mismo tema que esta realizando en los medios locales con miras a promocionarse en el extranjero. Thanks God.
Bio! In Inglés:
His name is Mathieu Amazan, but in the music industry he is known as
BLACK 45 KING, the artist who since 2008 demonstrated strength and potential
of an independent product achieving success until then without
precedents in the history of urban gender.
Born In Haïti Province General Hospital In 1989, BLACK 45 KING grows in
a musical environment provided by his Friend, Nipo809, who then
integrated the well-known group "Lords Maffia". BLACK 45 KING adopts the
music as its natural setting, assimilating different musical styles in
(Dancehall) but with a clear and forceful vision of the project you want
From an early age the music caught his attention but although he wrote some verses, he never made any attempt, until the Dominican artist "NIPO809" served as inspiration to see him Presenting himself in an activity on the channel 5 telemicro route and receiving attention from the public. This was the spark that ignited his desire for music. He continued writing, Now with more motivation and presented his songs to his friends, Those who showed interest in his talent. His presentations began by singing music by his favorite artist Daddy Yankee, but over time and practice he decided to launch when he felt ready. It is here when he decides to knock on the door of the recording studio of (Notable Prod,) to produce his first song called ''Bola De Grasa Ft. El Alfa El Jefe'' And with it, he managed to take a firm step, penetrating the taste of the sector.
As time went by, the height of his first track began to go down and then he decided to release his second track ` Tamo en lokera '' Ft. Chimbala, being here when he began his sound at the Black 45 King level. After this hit, proposals from different musical companies began to arrive and despite having worked with some, he failed to further elevate his career. Ya yara 2012 / between 2018 launches several songs "La madan Ft. El Jou-c" "Produced by Ch" en viajero music" Same as other topics "Ponteme de espalda" "En la calle en para" "Kialaki" "Rap dominic & haiti" "Tamo haciendo dinero" "No bulla No cotorra" "Amor De Lejos" "Nome Dejes Solo" "Pasame La vaina" ''El Bacilon'' ''My Baby'' 'Whatsapp'' "Chapa Grande Ft. Gdolph" "Ninguna me chapean" and more''' And his most recent overwhelming hit called "Si te vas" Prod. By San2bal.
At a time when the music industry is reinventing itself, Black 45 King continues its avant-garde vision as a businessman who owns the rights to his repertoire and his own record label. King's approach has revolutionized the way music is marketed, promoted and distributed, and his business model has served as a model for countless artistic companies that now lead their business.
To his achievements in the world of legocios is added 'Ayiti Records, Inc. a division of Ayiti Music Group, LLC.'' His publishing house repeatedly awarded the Ayiti Music Publishing Group, LLC. His fragrance for men and women, and a musical, film and more production company.
But the influence of Black 45 King goes beyond creative trends and business, it also addresses social responsibility through support for just causes such as “Black 45 King Foundation” which supports children, girls, men, and women, Orphans in the Republique D'haiti.
Currently ''Ayiti Records, Inc. a division of Ayiti Music Group, LLC." The song" Si te vas "is working, which is part of his artistic package on his most recent promotional tour of the same theme he is doing in local media with a view to promoting himself abroad.
Thanks God.
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